Tracey's Journey

Celebrity Hairstylist, Educator, Entrepreneur

Taking on the World, One Movie at a Time

Tracey Moss is a highly sought-after hairstylist in TV, film and video. She has had the privilege of mastering the hairstyles of high-profile celebrities, including Gabrielle Union, Regina Hall, Vanessa Hudgens, and more.  Each opportunity giving her the chance to showcase her diversity. She has worked in multiple genres; designed hairstyles for various periods of time; and worked for major Hollywood film and television studios.

Tracey is a stylist who inspires!  She is the author of highly-reviewed “Styling by Faith,” a book that reflects her 15 year career and provides advice on how other entrepreneurs can secure wins in any industry.

On the Scene!

As an Author and  veteran in the professional hair industry, Tracey’s work has been seen by millions of people worldwide.